Tailor Tales Full Crack [addons]: The Ultimate Version of the Game with All Routes, Endings, CGs, and More
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Tailor Tales Full Crack [addons]
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A grammar guru, style editor, and writing mentor in one package.Try it for free!Eeager beaver
early bird catches the worm
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise,
earmark something
earn one's stripes
earned his wings
easier said than done
easy as 123
easy as ABC
easy as pie
eat dirt
eat, drink and be merry
eat like a horse
eat my dust
eat my hat
eat one's words
eat your heart out
eaten out of house and home
eating humble pie
economical with the truth
egg on your face
(to) egg on
Elementary, my dear Watson.
(the) elephant in the room
(at the) eleventh hour
Elvis has left the building.
emotional roller coaster
empty flattery
(the) ends justify the means
Et tu, Brutus?
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.
even keel
Even Stevens
every dark cloud has a silver lining
every dog has his day
every man for himself
every man has his price
Every man has stupid thoughts, only wise men keep them quiet. (Swedish)
every rose has its thorn
every Tom, Dick, and Harry
every which way but loose
everyone has their cross to bear
everything but the kitchen sink
everything's coming up daisies
everything's coming up roses
everything's copasetic
everything's hunky dory
exceedingly well read
Excuse me while I kiss this guy.
excuse my French
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog.
eye to eye
eyeball someone or something
eyeball to eyeball
F(a) face like a bulldog chewing on a wasp
(a) face like a burst couch
(a) face like a dropped meat pie
(a) face only a mother could love
(the) face that launched a thousand ships
(a) face that would scare a dog out of a butcher shop
face the music
face up to the facts
fair and square,
fair play
fair weather friend
fait accompli
faith can move mountains
fake it till you make it
fall from grace
fall guy
fall head over heels
fall off the back of a lorry
fall on your sword
fall through the cracks
famous for fifteen minutes
fan the flames
fancy free
fancy meeting you here
far and away the best
far be it from me
far from the madding crowd,
fashion victim
(a) fast buck
faster than a speeding bullet
faster than greased lightning
fat as a cow
fat as a pig
fat chance
feast your eyes on this
(a) feather in his cap
feed a cold, starve a fever
feeding frenzy
feel like a fifth wheel
fell off my plate
(the) fickle finger of fate
fiddling while Rome burns
Fie, fi, foh, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman.
fight fire with fire
fight like a man
fight like cats and dogs
fight the good fight
figure it out
filthy rich,
finders keepers, losers weepers
fine and dandy
fine line
finer than frog hair,
fire in the belly
firing on all cylinders
First things first.
fish or cut bait
fish out of water
fit as a fiddle
fit to be hung
fit to be tied
fits and starts
fits like a glove
flag something down
Flash as a rat with a gold tooth.
flash in the pan
flat as a board
flat as a long-poured champagne
flat as a pancake
flat out
flattery will get you nowhere
flavor of the month
fleet footed (fleet of foot)
flesh and blood
flipped her lid
flirt with disaster
flog a dead horse
flotsam and jetsam
flown the coop
fly by night
fly by the seat of your pants
fly in the face of
fly in the ointment
fly off the handle
fly on the wall
flying by the seat of your pants
foam at the mouth
fob off
follow suit
Follow the leader.
following in his footsteps
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
fools' gold
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
foot in the door
foot loose and fancy free
foot the bill
for crying out loud
for ever and a day
for everything there is a season
for God's sake
for Pete's sake
for the love of God/Pete/Mike
for want of the nail, the shoe was lost
for whom the bell tolls
forbidden fruit,
forever and a day
Forgive them for they know not what they do.
fork out
foul play
four corners of the earth
free as a bird
free reign
fresh as a daisy
fresh out of ideas
fried to one's tonsils
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.
frisky as a puppy
frog in my throat
from day one
from here to Timbuktu
from sea to shining sea
from strength to strength
from the four corners of the earth
from the frying pan into the fire
fruit of your loins
full Monty
full of himself
full of hot air
full of mischief
full of piss and vinegar
full tilt
full to the back teeth
funny business
Funny Farm
funny you mention it
fur coat and no knickers
fuzzy wuzzy
gag me with a spoon
game is on the line
gang bang
gathering like flies
gave it a wide berth
gee whiz
Generation X
Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
get / start the ball rolling
get a grip on yourself
get a handle on this
get a life
get a room
get a word in edgewise
get ahead early and stay ahead late
get all worked up
get along like oil and water
get an earful
get back up on the horse
get cleaned out
get crushed
get down to bare bones
get down to brass tacks
get down to the nitty gritty
get it outta my hair
get lost
Get my message?
get off on the wrong foot
get on her high horse
get on her soap box
get one's goat
get out of here
get outta town by sundown
get over it
get stuffed
get the peanut butter out of your ears
get the show on the road
Get thee behind me, Satan.
get to the bottom of it
get underway
Get used to it!
Get with the program!
get your arms around it
get your ducks in a row
get your feet wet
get your foot in the door
get your goat
get your head in the game
gift of the gab
gild the lily
gimme a break
gird your loins
give a hoot
give a little take a little
give a wide berth
give an inch, and he takes a mile
give and take
give him a run for his money
give it a rest
give it a whirl
give it away
give me a hand
give someone a break
give the shirt off your back
give them a hand
give up the ghost
give your right arm
given to him on a silver platter
giving someone the bird
glass ceiling
glimmer of hope
gloss over
glowing like a good deed in a naughty world
glutton for punishment
go against the grain
go and boil your head
go back to the well
go ballistic
go belly up
go berserk
go by the book
go figure
go fly a kite
go for broke
go head to head
go jump in the lake
go like the clappers
go off at half-cock
go out in a blaze of glory
go out on a limb
go over his head
go overboard
go the extra mile
go through the motions
go through the roof
go to pot
go to the dogs
go together hand in hand
go too far
go where the green lights lead you
go with the flow
go with your gut
God help us.
God only knows.
God speed
God willing (and the creek don't rise)
going against the tide
going bananas
going gang-busters
going nineteen to the dozen
going to hell in a hand basket
gold digger
golden child
Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden
gone but not forgotten
gone to the dogs
good as gold
good as new
(a) good beginning makes a good ending
good call
Good fences make good neighbors.
(a) good man is hard to find
good men and true
Good one!
Good riddance!
good rule of thumb
good Samaritan
good soldier
good things come to those who wait
good to go
good to the last drop
Goody Two-Shoes
goofing off
Gordon Bennett
got a hole in his pocket
got a leg up on it
got a loaf in the oven
got beat like a drum
got burned
got him by the short hairs
got knocked up
got lost in the shuffle
got my mojo working
got off on the right foot
got off on the wrong foot
got schooled
got spanked
got taken for a ride
got the stuffing beat out of him
got them by the short and curlies
got under my skin
got whooped
got you over a barrel
got your hand caught in the cookie jar
got your head in the clouds
got your nose all pushed out of joint
grace of God
Grand Slam,
grasping at straws
(the) grass is always greener on the other side
grass up
graveyard shift
grease a palm
greased lightning
green-eyed monster
green with envy
greener pastures
grin and bear it
grin like a Cheshire cat
grinning from ear to ear
grist for the mill
ground rules
Groundhog day
growing like a weed
gum up the works
gunning for
guns blazing
Hhad his bell rung
hair of the dog
Halcyon days
half a bubble off
half a loaf is better than none
half cocked
half-baked idea
Halt! Who goes there?
hand over fist
handbags at dawn
handle it with kid gloves
hands on
hang by a thread
hang in there
hang me out to dry
hang on every word
hanging onto mother's apron strings
hanky panky
happy as a clam
happy as a lark
happy as a pig in mud / sh#t
happy camper
hard as a rock
hard cheese,
hard to swallow
harder for a rich man to go to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
hare-brained idea
harp on
haste makes waste
hat in hand
haul someone over the coals
have a heart
have a nice day
have an ax to grind
have 'em in stitches
have the last laugh
haven't got a penny to my name
haven't got a row to hoe
haven't got a row to hoe
haven't seen hide nor hair of him
he breasted his cards
he can't see the forest for the trees
he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn
He doesn't know what time it is,
he gave a hundred and ten percent
he got plastered
he got the short end of the stick
he has a few loose screws
he has a way with words
he has egg on his face
he is toast
he knows which side his bread is buttered on
he learned his lesson
he left no stone unturned
he let the cat out of the bag
he looks like death warmed up
he made a mad dash for it
He never met a doughnut he didn't like.
he put one over on me
he single-handedly destroyed an empire
he speaks with a forked tongue
he spilled the beans
He was Aladdin in an orchard dripping with diamonds!
he was just a port in the storm
he was talking into his hat lying
he was the life of the party
he went the whole nine / 9 yards
he went to the school of hard knocks (university of life)
He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.
He who cannot dance, blames the DJ,
he who hesitates is lost
He who laughs last, laughs best.
He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword,
he will give the Devil his due
he won, hands down
he/she is as dense as a London fog
He/She silenced the critics.
he/she was like a brother/son/father/sister/mother/daughter to me
head over heels
heading for the poor house
heads up
heard it through the grapevine
heart of gold
heaven help us
heavens to Betsy
hedge your bets,
hell-bent for leather
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.
hell or high water
hem and haw
hen pecked
her biological clock is ticking
Here lies one whose name was writ in water.
here today, gone tomorrow
here's mud in your eye
Here's your hat, what's your hurry?
he's a bald-faced liar
he's a bubble shy of plumb
he's a corn-fed hick
he's a dark horse
he's a fall guy
he's a smooth operator
he's all flibberty jibbets
he's all hat and no cattle (added by popular demand!)
he's always blowing his own horn
he's an easy study
he's an inch deep and a mile wide
he's bitten off more than he can chew
he's built like a brick shit-house
he's changing his tune
he's chomping at the bit
he's dressed to the nines
he's feeling his oats
he's fishing for compliments
he's gone to ground
he's got a bug up his ass
He's got more money than he knows what to do with.
He's got the skills to pay the bills,
he's gunning for a fight
he's hen pecked
he's milk toast
he's not playing with a full deck
he's not the sharpest knife in the cabinet
he's over the hill
he's pulling your leg
he's pushing up daisies
he's really laying it on thick
he's really on the ball
he's scared of his own shadow
he's so matter-of-fact
He's so ugly, he'd have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.
he's the south end of a north-bound horse
he's thinking with the wrong head
he's waiting for his ship to come in
het up
hide the salami
higgledy piggledy
high and dry
high as a kite
high hopes
high time
high, wide and handsome
highway robbery
Hindsight is twenty/twenty (20/20),
His bark is worse than his bite,
His elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
his eyes are bigger than his stomach
His left hand doesn't know what his right hand is doing.
His mouth is writing checks his body can't cash.
hissy fit
history repeats itself
hit below the belt
hit every ugly branch falling out of the tree
Hit him right between the numbers.
hit the books
Hit the deck!
hit the ground running
hit the hay
hit the nail on the head
hit the sack
hoist by your own petard
hold down the fort
hold the phone
hold your horses
holding all the cards
holier than thou
home is where the heart is
Home is where you hang your hat,
Hook, line and sinker.
hop, skip and a jump
hope against hope
Hope springs eternal.
horse around,
horse of a different color
horse play
horsing around
hot as hell
Hot enough for you?
Hot enough to fry an egg.
hot off the press
hot on the heels
hot under the collar
Hotter than a fox in a firestorm.
Houston, we have a problem.
How are the mighty fallen.
How do I love thee?
How now, brown cow?
How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child.
How's it hanging?
How's that for a topper?
hugged him closer than peel does a banana
hump day
hunker down
hunky dory
hurl insults
hurts like the Dickens
II beg to differ.
I bought it for a song.
I busted my hump.
I can't stand it.
I can't stomach that.
I can't tell you what a pleasure its been / It's been a pleasure.
I could eat a horse.
I could whip you with one arm tied behind my back.
I didn't come down the Clyde in a banana boat. (Scottish, Glasgow)
I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.
I don't give a fig.
I don't give a jot.
I hate to say this, but...,
I have a bone to pick with you.
I have an ax to grind.
I have not slept one wink.
I have nothing to declare but my genius.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
I haven't a clue.
I haven't the foggiest.
I heard (hear) that!
I need that like a hole in the head.
I need that like a moose needs a hat rack.
I never met a man (horse, etc.) I didn't like.
I ought to tan your hide.
I put two and two together...
I quit smoking cold turkey.
I second that.
I smell a rat.
I spy with my little eye.
I trust him as far as I can throw him.
I want my place in the sun.
I was roped into it.
I wasn't born yesterday.
I will give you that to boot.
I will go to the foot of our stairs.
I will wear my heart upon my sleeve.
I wouldn't p#ss on your teeth if they were on fire.
I wouldn't trust him as far as I could spit.
ice water in his/her veins
icing on the cake
I'd bet my bottom dollar
I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.
idle chit-chat
Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass hopping.
If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
if at first you do